Sunday, August 07, 2005


Got tagged by wooster

Three names I go by:
1) Sujaya
2) Sujai
3) Suji

Three Screen Names:
1) sujai
2) still searchin' (i mean, i am searching for it)
3) ...

Three things I like about myself:
1) i am single :)
2) adventurous
3) perseverance

Three things I don't like about myself:
1) cant express anger
2) time management sucks
3) clueless about where i want to go next

Three things that scare me:
1) heights... actually falling from there
2) water... that i allowed myself to (almost) drown the last time
3) marriage

Three essentials:
1) freedom
2) a motorcycle
3) lots of personal space

Three things I like in the opposite sex:
"i am skipping this question".

Three things that I want to do badly now:
1) ride a motorcycle here in the US
2) white water rafting
3) bungee jumping

Three careers I am considering right now:
1) Horse breeder
2) entrepreuner
3) journalist

Three places I'd love to go on vacation:
1) the grand canyon
2) the kenyan safari
3) alaska

Three kids' names I like (Why?):
1) sparsha
2) medha
3) jai

Three things to do before dying:
1) have a daughter
2) write a book
3) show mom around the world

Three people who get to take this wonderful quiz (!!!):

The Eternal Star


Blogger wooster said...

you like being single and scared of marriage at the same time :p see the connection sis!?

and is there NOTHING you like about the opposite sex!? come on!!

10:10 AM  
Blogger fallen into reality said...

i just couldnt think of anything nice to say about the opposite sex in general. although there are a few members of the opposite sex that i absolutely adore!!!!!!!! :)

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all things it is better to hope than to despair.

12:11 PM  

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