Saturday, December 07, 2019

Another one from the past...

I often find myself running away
Into the recesses of my mind
My feet don’t seem to move even an inch
But I would’ve run for miles
What do I want to run from?
Or is it something I’m running to?
Why don’t I want to stay in reality?
Why do I focus on what I cannot see?
What is this place that intrigues me so
That I never to want to ever leave?
Am I wasting away this time in this world
In my pursuit to dig in deep?
Am I on the edge of sanity
Or am I at the door to wisdom infinite?
I suppose I’ll know only if I make the dive
I’ll know if I’ll live or if I’ll die
Is it worth the risk I have to take
Is it worth losing it all?
It’s better than to not know at all...

Life and I

This was a poem I had written what feels like many lifetimes ago. I found it in an old journal and thought it belonged here on this blog.

A slow dance with Life
Cheek to cheek; hand in hand
Never stepping on toes
Never missing a step
The perfect couple on the floor
The object of envy in many an eye
To be in such a well-matched rhythm
Like we’ve always been together
Like we’ll be this way forever...

A ride on a motorcycle with Life
I drive and Life navigates
Reach new places, travel new roads
Eat dust, breathe smoke
Risk all that we have and know
Go the fastest our ride can go
No idea on what’s round the bend
Life and I, we’d have to part ways in the end
But we’d have had the best times together
I’d rather ride into the dust
Than slow dance to eternity.