Saturday, December 07, 2019

Another one from the past...

I often find myself running away
Into the recesses of my mind
My feet don’t seem to move even an inch
But I would’ve run for miles
What do I want to run from?
Or is it something I’m running to?
Why don’t I want to stay in reality?
Why do I focus on what I cannot see?
What is this place that intrigues me so
That I never to want to ever leave?
Am I wasting away this time in this world
In my pursuit to dig in deep?
Am I on the edge of sanity
Or am I at the door to wisdom infinite?
I suppose I’ll know only if I make the dive
I’ll know if I’ll live or if I’ll die
Is it worth the risk I have to take
Is it worth losing it all?
It’s better than to not know at all...


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